
Opportunity Costs

Opportunity Costs

Somethings never change. Prospective clients still tell me their partners and staff can produce all of the content they need. That’s the same argument I heard from my very first accounting firm client.  And it’s true, but at what cost?  Back at that meeting...

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Let Me Repeat That

Let Me Repeat That

Last week the Economist reminded me of an important fact about language: Redundancy is good.  That may sound odd coming from me if you are familiar with my many rants about using fewer, and smaller words. But repetition is a best practice when...

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Numbers Tell Stories

Numbers Tell Stories

In the last couple of years, I doubt I’ve seen a posting for a marketing communications job or a profile of a marketing communications pro that didn’t include the word “storyteller”. To me, this phrase brings to mind my Celtic forebears sitting around a peat fire...

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Five Bits of Advice on MarCom Tactics

Five Bits of Advice on MarCom Tactics

Based on more than a dozen years’ experience working with early-stage companies here’s the five bits of advice I give any would-be client: Be Consistent It takes longer than you can possibly imagine for your message to “seed” with your targets. In no time at all your...

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TL;DR*, Less is More, Short and Sweet

TL;DR*, Less is More, Short and Sweet

Depending on your generation, these phrases all mean the same thing: People don’t like to read.  It takes much more effort to write something short and compelling than it does to ramble on padding sentences with equivocations and contingencies. But the effort is...

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Digital Therapeutic Deals Make Steady Progress in 2020

Digital Therapeutic Deals Make Steady Progress in 2020

After starting off 2020 with a 35 percent drop in the number of deals from the previous quarter, digital therapeutic deal-making steadily climbed over the course of 2020 to total 71 deals for the year. With 25 deals in the fourth quarter of 2020, the index was up 44...

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Counting Deals Instead of Votes

Counting Deals Instead of Votes

Tired from a long week of parsing electoral college votes? How about focusing on digital therapeutic deals for a change of pace? The third quarter brought a record number of digital therapeutic deals with a total of 19. That’s up from 16 in the previous quarter. The...

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What’s in a Name II

What’s in a Name II

With the selection of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate, it was time for Biden campaign (Biden/Harris that is) to role out a new brand. A while back I took a look at the logos of the various Democratic candidates and noted that many of the logos (although...

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Mask Messaging

Mask Messaging

As a communication project, the campaign to spread the word about mask wearing during the pandemic has been an example of how to do everything wrong.  Let’s put aside the early missteps on the subject as well as the political overtones it has taken on. Let’s just...

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Acquisitions Fuel Digital Therapeutic Dealmaking in Q2

Acquisitions Fuel Digital Therapeutic Dealmaking in Q2

Digital therapeutic dealmaking bounced back to Q4 2019 levels in the second quarter of the year. After a first quarter where deal-making was stymied in by the onslaught of COVID-19, buyers came back big-time in the second quarter once the reality of the "new normal"...

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Digital Therapeutic Deals in a Time of COVID-19

Digital Therapeutic Deals in a Time of COVID-19

First quarter digital therapeutic deal data provided by DealForma shows a drop quarter-over-quarter from 16 transactions in the last quarter of 2019 to 11 in the first quarter of 2020. But year-over-year, the first quarter of 2020 is on par with the first quarter of...

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Tracking Digital Therapeutics

Tracking Digital Therapeutics

When I started following the digital health sector in earnest about ten years ago, I was intrigued with the potential of digital technology to treat disease – the so-called digital therapeutics. Instead, the sector produced an almost infinite variety of activity...

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Six Ways to Manage Web Design Costs

Six Ways to Manage Web Design Costs

I’ve often felt I should warn clients that design projects can end up like bathroom remodels, costing twice as much and taking twice as long. But like your bathroom, you can control costs if you make the right decisions at the right times. Let’s take the example of a...

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The Value of Making a Long-Term Commitment to Your Brand

The Value of Making a Long-Term Commitment to Your Brand

Last spring, I wrote about how it is important to stick with your brand identity – even when you are bored with it. Back then I noted that while you might tire of your brand in a year or two, it may take a decade before your clients or customers even begin...

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What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

I happened on this fun story the other day where graphic artists critique the campaign logos for the top eleven Democratic contenders in the 2020 presidential campaign. Back when the world was young, I worked in politics, so I find this kind of minutia...

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