
50 Shades of Blue

50 Shades of Blue

Working in a creative role amidst folks who have been trained to believe that every problem can be quantified has provided me with moments self-enlightenment, entertainment and, yes, frustration. The frustration arises when I am paired with teammates are not on a...

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Your Customers Don’t See Your Brand Like You Do

Your Customers Don’t See Your Brand Like You Do

Whenever I think about a customer’s relationship to a client’s brand, I remember a conversation I had with an executive at a company my firm was wooing.  In our business, we got new clients through an RFP process. We always branded the cover of our proposal with the...

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If You Want to Persuade, Stop Talking and Listen

If You Want to Persuade, Stop Talking and Listen

Watching the current state of political discourse, I’m reminded of a time when I, as a student debater, was in the library cramming to prep for my next debate. My debate coach stopped by and, picking up on my state of panic, suggested that when you are short of time,...

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Elon Musk Talks Like a 7th Grader — And So Should You

Elon Musk Talks Like a 7th Grader — And So Should You

Awhile back I read a blurb from CB Insights – they produce a fun, data-driven, daily email blast – titled, “Elon Musk talks like a 7th grader.” They came to this conclusion after analyzing 28 quarters of earnings call transcripts. They explained that this...

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Typing to the Sound of Bagpipes

Typing to the Sound of Bagpipes

Early in my career, I worked for a man who played bagpipe music on a boom box when he was writing. He also would post a sign with a skull and crossbones on his door. I took the sign as a warning not to complain about the bagpipe music. Gary was actually a very...

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Communicating in a Post-Text World

If you haven’t noticed, the future of the Internet is video/audio. If you don’t believe me, you can believe the New York Times. Or ask any twenty- or thirty-something. Blogs are giving way to podcasts and YouTube channels. Just last week Instagram introduced a new...

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6 Reasons Why You Should Get Help Creating Content

6 Reasons Why You Should Get Help Creating Content

You’re a professional. You are a better than average writer. You know more about the issues that matter to your clients than anyone else. So you should make the time to write your own articles, posts or presentations, right? Wrong.

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The Fall of Man

It’s gotten so bad that I wasn’t even surprised to hear that Matt Lauer was fired from the Today Show this morning for sexual misconduct. I guess it would be news if a male in a position of power or influence had not engaged in sexual misconduct. When I was coming up,...

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Four Letter Words Are Your Friends

Four Letter Words Are Your Friends

We all love our terms of art. The define us as part of a group, and they establish our professional credentials. What they don’t do is facilitate effective communications. Speechwriters know that the most effective way to communicate or persuade is through the use of...

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Would You Rather Be Lucky or Good?

I vividly remember one day talking to my parents, well, actually talking to my mother while my father watched TV, about some recent career achievement. My mother said, “aren’t you lucky to have this opportunity,” and my father looked up from the TV, interrupted and...

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Is an Ad Campaign the Solution or the Problem?

Is an Ad Campaign the Solution or the Problem?

Recently the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the trade group representing the US pharmaceutical industry, launched an unprecedented image campaign titled “Go Boldly.” The campaign was rolled out amid puzzled looks from biopharmaceutical...

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Feedback Fatigue

I blame the millennials. I can’t have a commercial interaction with a human, be it by direct contact, telephone, web chat, text or probably bot, that doesn’t end in the request to complete a satisfaction survey. I bought tea yesterday and was given the opportunity “to...

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2017: Above Average VC Investment, Maybe a Record for M&A

I’m breaking with tradition and publishing my own predictions for the life sciences sector in 2017. I do research like this all the time for clients, but I never put it out under my own name. I’m taking the plunge this year because with the regime change in Washington...

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Making of a Matriarch

During the recent election I realized that many of my women friends were deeply invested in the prospect of electing a female president. Despite my credentials as a single career woman with my own business (and politics aside) I was completely indifferent to the...

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