by Cassie Arnold | Apr 20, 2021 | Deal making, Digital Health, Digital Therapeutic, Investment, Modern Work, Venture capital
For 2021, our data partner DealForma is providing venture investment data in addition to the data they have been sharing on M&A deals. As we all know, VC investment was on a roll in 2020. Silicon Valley Bank has reported that venture investment in...
by Cassie Arnold | Sep 18, 2018 | Communications, Modern Work
I set out this summer with the goal of learning how to build a website. Like most people, I’ve always relied on web developers to do this for me, but that gets expensive and frustrating when I had to wait for their schedule to open up. Not to mention, they resent...
by Cassie Arnold | Jun 25, 2018 | Modern Work
If you haven’t noticed, the future of the Internet is video/audio. If you don’t believe me, you can believe the New York Times. Or ask any twenty- or thirty-something. Blogs are giving way to podcasts and YouTube channels. Just last week Instagram introduced a new...
by Cassie Arnold | Feb 8, 2018 | Modern Work, Sales
Way back when I was a student debater, I realized that speeches I wrote scored better when someone else delivered them. Ever since then, I’ve built a career being the woman-behind-the-curtain. But that became tricky once I became self-employed. I’ve been on my own for...
by Cassie Arnold | Nov 29, 2017 | 21st Century Culture, Gender at Work, Modern Work
It’s gotten so bad that I wasn’t even surprised to hear that Matt Lauer was fired from the Today Show this morning for sexual misconduct. I guess it would be news if a male in a position of power or influence had not engaged in sexual misconduct. When I was coming up,...
by Cassie Arnold | Aug 12, 2016 | Modern Work
Boomers Balk Over the Final Battle If there is one thing I hate, it’s admitting I am a victim. I’m such a control freak that I can’t stand the thought that forces beyond my control are impacting my life. But when I saw an article in the Washington Post about ageism,...