Opportunity Costs

Opportunity Costs

Somethings never change. Prospective clients still tell me their partners and staff can produce all of the content they need. That’s the same argument I heard from my very first accounting firm client.  And it’s true, but at what cost?  Back at that meeting...
Let Me Repeat That

Let Me Repeat That

Last week the Economist reminded me of an important fact about language: Redundancy is good.  That may sound odd coming from me if you are familiar with my many rants about using fewer, and smaller words. But repetition is a best practice when...
Numbers Tell Stories

Numbers Tell Stories

In the last couple of years, I doubt I’ve seen a posting for a marketing communications job or a profile of a marketing communications pro that didn’t include the word “storyteller”. To me, this phrase brings to mind my Celtic forebears sitting around a peat fire...
Mask Messaging

Mask Messaging

As a communication project, the campaign to spread the word about mask wearing during the pandemic has been an example of how to do everything wrong.  Let’s put aside the early missteps on the subject as well as the political overtones it has taken on. Let’s just...